Why do you need a good headshot?

I'm getting some professional photos taken this week for my own marketing materials. After talking with my photographer and friends, I've realized this process isn't as simple as I imagined. There is a lot to think about to ensure you are putting your best face forward.

Getting a quality head shot is important as it immediately tells prospective patients a lot about you. Here are some tips I've compiled for looking your best and conveying the correct message in your marketing:

1. If you don't want baggy eyes, get a good night's sleep before your shoot.
2. Complementary or contrast colors are great clothing choices. For example, someone with lighter hair should have darker tops or suits, someone with darker hair should choose lighter colors. (Bring several outfits and try to avoid "busy" patterns)
3. Good lighting makes a HUGE difference. I like natural light myself but your photographer will be able to understand what lighting conditions are best for you.
4. Makeup look completely different on camera. Hiring a professional stylist is well worth the investment to make sure everything looks right. (It's fun to be pampered - even for a moment!)

The best tip I can give is to be comfortable and authentic . Create a setting that you can feel at ease in and your emotions will resonate with your prospects.

If you have photographer resources you'd like to share with our members, email sarah@focus-evolve-succeed.com and I'll be sure to post them and include them in our monthly coaching materials.

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