Inspiration - Avoid the Always, Notice the Never

I've know a lot of successful private practice owners who have grappled with burnout from time to time. Between seeing patients, managing staff, and thinking about marketing and business growth - it's easy to see why its hard to stay inspired and passionate.

I've personally gone through burn out in my own business and come out the other side several times. Here is an exercise that has helped me jumpstart my marketing imagination that you can use today in your own practice!

First, make a list of the things that your practice and practioners in your industry ALWAYS DO. For example, at my doctor's office - I ALWAYS have to wait in a room by myself for 10 minutes before I see him. Or, at the dental practice, the chairs are ALWAYS really uncomfortable and I feel weird when my dentist talks to me while I'm laying down.

Next, make a list of things that your office or industry NEVER DOES. An example could be the doctor personally calling new patients before their visit to welcome them to the practice.

Now that you've got your lists - and a whole bunch of ideas for differentiating yourself and improving your patient experience! Undoubtledy, you will find opportunities to reconnect with your patients and jump start some buzz within your practice.

Work with your staff and creative around implementing those NEVERS. Think about the referral potential if each patient who leaves your office, jumps in their car, gets on their cell phone, and calls 5 friends saying: "You'll never guess what happened at my appointment today..."

The lesson for today is: avoid the always, notice the never.

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