Your annual marketing plan will assist you in growing your practice and figuring out what it is that you need to do, how to do it, and when to do it. We have a new 6 day marketing course we will revisit your marketing goals and determine what it is that you hope to achieve in the upcoming year with your marketing efforts.
How it works:
Over the next six days I will walk you through the steps of creating a solid marketing plan for your health care practice. At the end of our course you will have completed the following:
- Preparation of your mission statement and vision for the next few months.
- Discover and define your target patients.
- Develop and plan your marketing strategy.
- Develop your marketing mix.
- Create a marketing calendar that serves as your schedule of marketing activities and events for the upcoming year.
When you have finished the course you will have a strong marketing plan in your hand. This will become a tool that will help you market your practice while attending to patients and your other responsibilities.
Sound good? Ok, now it is time to get started…
Send an email to with “Marketing Plan” in the subject line. Each day you will receive a new lesson and assignment to complete. I will be available to coach you through the 6 days and by the time you have completed the 6th day you will have created your annual marketing plan.
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